The Privacy Guarantor issued a European directive that requires management of web pages to show visitors a banner informing them of what the policy of the site's cookies are consulting and subject its acceptance to continue navigation.
If you need more information or if you have questions about the privacy policy of this website please contact us by email at: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

This page describes the ways in which personal information is received and collected and how it is used by For this purpose we use cookies in other words text files to facilitate user navigation.


1) What are cookies?
Cookies are text files that the visited sites send to your browser and they are stored before being sent back to the site for the next visit.

2) What are cookies for?
Cookies can be used to monitor the sessions, to authenticate a user so you can access a site without typing everytime name and password and to store your preferences.

3) What are the technical cookies?
The so-called technical cookies are used for navigation and to facilitate access to and use of the site by the user. Technical cookies are essential for example to access Google or Facebook without logging in all sessions. So are very delicate operations such as those of home banking or payment by credit card or by means of other systems.

4) The Technical Analytics cookies are cookies?
In other words cookies that are placed in your browser and re-transmitted using Google Analytics or through the Blogger service or similar statistics are technical cookies ?. The Ombudsman said that these cookies can only be considered technical when "used for the purpose of site optimization directly from the owner of the site itself, which may collect aggregate information on the number of users and how they visit the site. These conditions , for analytics cookies the same rules apply, for disclosures and consent, provided for technical cookies. "

5) What are profiling cookies?
These cookies are used to track the user's navigation to create profiles on his tastes, his preferences, his interests and also on his research. You will certainly have seen advertising banners related to a product that you have just searched on the internet. The reason lies in the profiling of your interests and the servers appropriately directed by cookies have shown you the ads considered most relevant.

6) Is the user's consent required for the installation of cookies on his terminal?
For the installation of technical cookies no consent is required while profiling cookies can be installed in the user's terminal only after the latter has given consent and after being informed in a simplified way.

7) How can webmasters can request consent?
The Privacy Authority has established that when the user accesses a website, a banner containing a brief statement must appear with the request for consent and a link to the more extensive information such as that visible on this page on which what the cookie profiling are and the use made of it in the site in question.

8) How should the banner be created?
The banner must be designed to hide some of the content of the page and specify that the site uses cookies to also third-party profiling. The banner must only be eliminated by an active user action as it could be a click.

9) What information must contain the banner?
The banner must contain a brief statement, the link to the wide information and the button to give consent to the use of profiling cookies.

10) How to keep records of consent to the use of cookies?
It is permitted that a technical cookie is used that takes into account the user's consent so that the user does not have to re-express consent in a subsequent visit to the site.

11) The consent to the use of cookies can be had only with the banner?
No. You can use other systems as long as the identified system has the same requirements. The use of the banner is not necessary for sites that use only technical cookies.

12) What should be included in the more extensive information page?
You must explain your cookie also features installed by third parties. It must also tell the user how to navigate the site without being traced her preferences with the navigation possibilities in disguise and erase individual cookies.

13) Who is required to inform the Guarantor using profiling cookies?
The website owner has that burden. If you use only third-party profiling cokies on your site, you do not need to inform the Guarantor but it is necessary to indicate what these third-party cookies are and to indicate the links to the information on the matter.

14) When will this legislation come into force?
The Guarantor has given a year to come into compliance and the deadline is June 2, 2015.


Log files: Like many other websites this also makes use of log files that records the history of operations as they are performed. The information contained within the log files includes IP addresses, browser type, Internet Service Provider (ISP), date, time, page entry and exit and number of clicks. All this to analyze trends, administer the site, monitor the user's movement inside the site and collect demographic data, IP addresses and other information. This data is not attributable in any way to the user's identity and are technical cookies.


Cookies: uses cookies to store information on visitor preferences and pages visited by the user and to customize the content of the web page based on the type of browser used and depending on other information that this browser sends.

1) DoubleClick DART Cookie: this cookie was introduced by Google five years ago and serves to publish Adsense ads on in order to show the user more targeted advertising based on their history. Users can accept this cookie or disable it in their browser by visiting the Privacy and Terms page. Further information on the types and use of Google cookies for advertising purposes can be found on the web page of the types of cookies used. Even some Google Adsense advertising partners may use cookies and Web Beacons to track users.

2) Facebook Cookie : This site has some Facebook plugins that can track readers' behavior. For more information, see the Facebook Privacy Policy page.

3) Twitter: This social network can process your personal data to allow you a browsing experience enriched by features and services Twitter Cookie Policy Privacy

4) Google+ through the script plusone.js may process personal data according to these guidelines Google Cookie Policy Privacy

5) Pinterest processes personal data according to these guidelines for the moment only in English Pinterest Cookie Policy Privacy

6) Linkedin is another social network that processes personal data according to these Linkedin Cookie Policy

7) Blogger e Google Friend Connect use statistics cookies according to these guidelines Blogger e Friend Connect Cookie Policy

8) Instagram is a social network that uses own and third-party profiling cookies with this policy Cookie Info about Instagram.

This site has access to third-party servers or ad networks that use this technology to send ads to your browser through By detecting your IP address they show the most relevant advertising with your interests.
Similar technologies (such as cookies, web bacons and javascript) can be used by third-party advertising networks to measure the effectiveness of their advertising messages and to personalize the content of such messages.
The site and its administrator have no control over cookies that are used by third parties so to deepen the topic we recommend to consult the privacy policies of these third parties as well as options to disable the collection of this information. The administrator of this site can not therefore control the activities of advertisers of this blog. You can still disable cookies directly from your browser.

The website does not use its own profiling cookies but those present are exclusively controlled by third parties such as Google, Facebook or Twitter.

These provisions of the Italian Data Protection Authority are not only Italian but are common to most of the European countries. You can know the rules of each jurisdiction by consulting the Your Online Choices website in your language.


As mentioned, cookies analytics are considered technical if used only for optimization purposes and if the IP of the users are kept anonymous.
We inform the user that this site uses the free service of Google Analytics. Recall that the data are used only to have the data of the most visited pages, the number of visitors, aggregate data of visits by operating system, browser, etc. Google Analytics IPs have been anonymized. These parameters are stored on Google servers that govern their privacy according to these guidelines.

A user can disable Google Analytics while browsing using the additional component available for Chrome, Firefox, Internet Explorer, Opera and Safari.

You can also:

  • delete cookies individually for each domain,
  • hide searches.
  • set the settings of Google ads.


A navigation without the use of technical and profiling cookies is possible through what is called incognito browsing and that it is feasible with all the main browsers.

Additional information on disabling cookies on Firefox
Additional information on disabling cookies on Chrome
Additional information on disabling cookies on Internet Explorer
Additional information on disabling cookies on Safari
Additional information on disabling cookies on Opera

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